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Integrated Urban Development Framework




Brief Description

The Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) is the urbanisation policy of the South African Government, coordinated by the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG). The IUDF seeks to foster a shared understanding across Government and society to better manage urbanisation and achieve the goals of economic development, job creation and improved living conditions as outlined in the National Development Plan.

The IUDF marks a New Deal for South African cities and towns. The New Deal, outlined in the IUDF, is about maximising the potential of urban areas, by integrating and aligning investments in a way that improves the urban form.

The goal is “Liveable, safe, resource-efficient cities and towns that are socially integrated, economically inclusive and globally competitive, where residents actively participate in urban life.”

To achieve the IUDF’s transformative vision, four overall strategic goals are introduced. These are:

• Inclusion and access: To ensure people have access to social and economic services, opportunities and choices.
• Inclusive growth: To harness urban dynamism for inclusive, sustainable economic growth and development.
• Effective governance: To enhance the capacity of the state and its citizens to work together to achieve social integration.
• Spatial integration: To forge new spatial forms in settlement, transport, social and economic areas.

Integrated Urban Development Framework



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