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Department of Science, Technology and Innovation

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Brief Description

The Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI) seeks to boost socio-economic development in South Africa through research and innovation. To achieve its goals, the Department provides leadership, an enabling environment and resources for science, technology and innovation.

Through its programmes (administration, technology innovation, international cooperation and resources, research development and support, and socio-economic innovation partnerships) and several entities that work alongside it, the Department is accomplishing ground breaking science and enhancing the well-being of all South Africans.

Our Vision
Increased well-being and prosperity through science, technology and innovation.

Our Mission
To provide leadership, an enabling environment, and resources for science, technology and innovation in support of South Africa’s development.

Knowledge sharing.
The Department and its employees share and use knowledge constructively to ensure it contributes to the building of a robust and productive knowledge economy.

Department of Science, Technology and Innovation



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