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Built Environment Support Group




Brief Description

The Built Environment Support Group (BESG) was established in 1983 as a support group that defended communities against eviction from informal settlements in urban areas. In the early 1990s BESG became a key player in helping to shape a new generation of urban planning and housing policies through its association with the Urban Sector Network.

Since 1995, BESG has geared over R100m of government funding to enable poor communities to access development. It uses its hands-on experience in project management, process facilitation, and research to advocate pro-poor development policies and programmes.

BESG is managed by a Board of Directors who volunteer their skills in development, finance, human resources, law, and community development to provide strategic guidance and administrative and financial oversight to the staff. BESG has a core staff with skills in project management, civil engineering, community development, environmental science, adult education, process facilitation, and research. Other staff and associates are brought in on contract depending on funding commitments.

Built Environment Support Group



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