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URERU Smart City Report Series 3

Identifying the Opportunities and Challenges that Exist for Cape Town's Smart City Development

Article image

Luke Boyle

18 November 2019


Luke Boyle

Research report

Urban Real Estate Research Unit


This report is the third installment of a four-part research series. Using interviews with stakeholders in different government and corporate spheres, this report serves as a reflection to unpack some of the key opportunities and challenges that Cape Town faces in terms of unlocking the potential of a smarter, more sustainable urban future. Following that, the report reflects on the opportunities and challenges and provides some insight to what it means on a broader level for smart city development in Cape Town.


The structure of the report series is outlined below:

  • Report 1: Critical Analysis of Cape Town’s Digital City Strategy.
  • Report 2: The Current State and Characteristics of Cape Town’s Smart City Implementation.
  • Report 3: Identifying the Opportunities and Challenges that exist for Cape Town as it embarks on its Smart City journey.
  • Report 4: The Way Forward for The City of Cape Town and What it Means to be ‘Smart’ in Africa

Abstract based directly on source.


Website References

Built environment

Cape Town




Poverty & inequality

Smart Cities

South Africa

Technology and innovation


Urban development

Urban futures

Urban management

Urban planning

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