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Understanding innovation drivers and barriers in local government

A City of Tshwane Innovation Unit perspective

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Mafunzwaini Aluoneswi Elvis

31 March 2019


uKESA Librarian 2



This study investigates the factors influencing innovation in local government, focusing on the City of Tshwane in the Global South. It aims to understand the drivers and barriers that affect innovation success. Using a qualitative research approach, data was gathered through semi-structured interviews and a review of secondary sources.

The study identified four critical factors for successful innovation in the City of Tshwane:

  1. Innovation strategic intent: Strongly tied to leadership and fostering a culture of innovation.
  2. Culture of innovation: Essential for driving creative and adaptive practices.
  3. Innovation drivers and barriers: These are context-specific, dynamic, and interdependent, with roles that can shift between driving or hindering innovation depending on the environment.
  4. Collaboration: Key to fostering partnerships and knowledge sharing.

The study emphasises the need for a holistic approach to address the interconnected and context-specific nature of these factors, providing insights to improve innovation in local governments.



Abstract based on original sourece.


Website References

Built environment

Capacity building





Local government

Municipal Innovation Collection


Planning and management


Service delivery

South Africa


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