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The Land and its People

The land question and the South African political order

Article image

Andries Du Toit

01 March 2023

Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape


uKESA Librarian 2

Working paper


This paper examines the disjuncture between the discourses of policy deliberation and contentious politics in debates about ‘the land question’ in South Africa. It argues that the South African land debate as it unfolds in the public realm is best understood as a displaced discourse indirectly addressing the terms of political belonging and the nature of the post-apartheid political order. Far from being a distraction, this is a challenge that urgently needs to be confronted on its own terms. Confronting the crisis of the post-apartheid political order requires a re-thinking of the terms in which national identity is conceived. The paper explores the possibilities of a politics of belonging centred on the Constitutional invocation of political order ‘for all who live in it’ and what this might imply for a more constructive and productive engagement with land struggles in urban and rural South Africa.


Abstract based directly on original source.


Website References


Agrarian reform

Agricultural land management


Basic services

Built environment

Cities and towns

Community land rights

Cost of living

Economic development



Government programmes

Integrated rural development

Intensive land use


Land administration



Natural environment


South Africa


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