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The Digital Rights Governance Framework

Article image

Cities Coalition for Digital Rights , UN-Habitat

31 March 2021


uKESA Librarian 3

Guide/ Handbook

Africa, Europe, North America

The Digital Rights Governance Framework focuses on the local safeguarding of human rights in the digital context of city governments. Specifically, it outlines how cities can uphold a human rights-based approach with regards to the digitalisation of their services and to some extent the digitalisation of the city.


The document (available as a PDF here) gathers foundations, structures and tools that cities can put in place and which can be customised according to local needs. It has been co-created by city and organisations’ experts’, which provided evidence-based experiences out of practice, and can be used as a self-assessment tool and maturity model for city-government locally.


The Framework is a living document and will continue to be updated with inputs from experts, local experiences and the results of the Digital Rights Governance Project.


Abstract based on source.


Website References

Built environment


Capacity building

Human settlements


Public participation


Smart Cities





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