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The crucial role communities play in the flood prone areas of Jangwani and Purley

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LSE/ Ardhi, Alice Peultier, Daniel Emmauel Nkanziga, Halima Abbas Makame, Joy Baldo, Marie Feuvrier, Mercy Nyamageni, Oliver Charles, Suzan Martin

21 April 2021

Progressing Planning (LSE)


Progressing Planning Librarian


Progressing Planning

Africa, Europe

Climate change and urbanisation pose a rising threat for flooding in urban areas. Nowadays, with more people living in cities than in rural settings, the consequences of this hazard could be disastrous in terms of human safety and sustained economic development. This Blog looks at the flood resilience levels of two cities situated in the global south and in the global north; Dar es Salaam and London. We find that a common characteristic of both cities is the extensive bottom-up community engagement taking place in order to mitigate and prevent flooding. 


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Built environment


Climate Change/Resilience

Climate change


Community development

Community self help

Environmental management

Flood control



Natural environment



United Kingdom

Water and sanitation

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