The benefits of remote real-time pressure control in water distribution systems
20 November 2018
E. Fosso-Kankeu, F. Waanders, M. Plaisent
Conference paper
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
An heuristic introduction is given to explain when pressure management can be highly beneficial. The additional benefit of a recent highly optimal technique which keeps the pressure low and constant at a remote location, above the conventional technique, is discussed. The former technique is called remote real-time control (RRTC). The reasons for the advantage are clearly elucidated. The direct technical and indirect advantages are pointed out. Substantial additional economic benefit of RRTC obtains under conditions of large leakage, and large operation and maintenance unit cost of water. It is shown that for favourable water distribution system conditions in South Africa, RRTC yields additional life cycle savings of R 20 – 100 million ($ 1.5 – 8 million).