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Supporting City Futures

The Cities Support Programme and the Urban Challenge in South Africa

Article image

James Duminy, Susan Parnell, Mercy Brown-Luthango

01 February 2020

Lee Middleton


uKESA Librarian 2



Supporting City Futures – The Cities Support Programme and the Urban Challenge in South Africa captures the emergence, experiences, and lessons of City Support Programme (CSP) as a particular approach to urban support and reform.
This book detailing the first five years of the City Support Programme (CSP) of the National Treasury in South Africa provides a unique insight into the conceptual, policy, institutional, and personal labour involved in trying to tackle some of the most wicked and intractable issues in post-Apartheid South Africa.

The intention of the book is not only to document the specifics of CSP, but also to capture a larger story about the evolution of urban policy and practice in South Africa. It is a story of a new era of strategic governance, planning, and urban transformation that holds relevance to other countries both in Africa and across the globe. 

The book is the result of a process of knowledge co-production involving the Cities Support Programme (CSP) and the African Centre for Cities (ACC).

Abstract based directly on original source.


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Built environment


Climate Change/Resilience

Economic development

Environmental management



Human settlements

Planning and management


South Africa



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