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South Africa Housing Market Report


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Alison Tshangana, Luther Jubane, Alfred Namponya

22 March 2023

Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa


Alison Tshangana

Research report

Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa


This report utilises deeds registry data as of 31 December 2021 which was obtained from Lightstone Pty Ltd. in June 2022. Because of this, the report only covers properties that appear on the deeds registry (the formal market) – it does not include backyard units and informal settlement dwellings. According to the 2021 General Household Survey, there are 17.9 million households living in South Africa, of which 11.7%, or approximately 2 million, live in informal dwellings. Nearly 19% of South African households live in rented dwellings.


Given that more than one family might live in a rental property with a single title deed—for example, a high-rise building—the data in this report also does not provide a clear picture of the 18.7% of households who stay in rented dwellings (approximately 3.6 million households). Unlike our previous Citymark reports which only used five market segments, this report includes an additional two market segments above R1.2 million, in order to better understand this component of the market. Valuations are provided by Lightstone and are not based on municipal valuation rolls. See page 15 for further information.


Abstract based directly on original source.


Website References

Built environment


Deed registration


Government subsidies

Household costs


Housing markets

Human settlements





Property market

Rental housing

Residential buildings

South Africa


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