Socio-Economic Dynamics Inhibiting Inclusive Urban Economic Development
Implications for Sustainable Urban Development in South African Cities

This journal article addresses the urgent need for sustainable urban development, particularly in the context of South Africa, where it is projected that 80% of the population will live in urban areas by 2050. Through a literature review, the paper identifies several socio-economic factors that hinder sustainable urban development in South Africa, including informality, lack of citizen consultation, unresolved apartheid legacies, crime, insecurity, and complex migration patterns. The article suggests strategies to accelerate sustainable urban development, such as embracing informality, promoting inclusivity and resource access, accelerating policy reforms, investing in rural areas, and advancing technology and innovation. The findings highlight the necessity of alternative development models to address poverty, unemployment, and inadequate housing, all of which negatively affect urban planning and sustainability. The paper advocates for inclusive urban housing to improve access, affordability, and quality of housing in urban areas.
Abstract based directly on original source.