Smart Use of Roads

01 January 2019
International Transport Forum, OECD Publishing
Asia, Europe
This report examines strategies and technologies applied to better utilise road networks. It has long been recognised that capacity expansion through the construction of new roads alone is not an efficient approach to meeting peak demand, especially in cities with a well-developed road network. This approach to congestion is often unsustainable because pent-up demand quickly fills up new road space and congestion will return.
The report summarises the findings of a workshop on alternative responses to congestion organised by the ITF's (International Transport Forum) Working Group on the Smart Use of Roads. The Workshop brought together 39 experts and practitioners from 11 countries in Tokyo in October 2018. Participants discussed the use of real-time data to identify congestion bottlenecks and to provide dynamic route guidance to travelers and reviewed localised infrastructure measures to relieve congestion in the short to medium term. The workshop also examined the way in which road tolls have been modified to relieve congestion on the expressway networks of Tokyo and Taipei and the evolution of Singapore's road pricing system to maintain its effectiveness in managing demand.
Abstract based directly on original source. Back to the SmartCity.ZA collection.