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Shopping Centres in Township Areas

Blessing or Curse?

Article image

Robert McGaffin

01 January 2010


Township Studies Librarian Two


Township Studies Group


Township and rural area economy have been boosted over the past 15 years by the significant growth of the black middle class and the expansion of the social grant system. This growth in income and the saturation of retail centres in suburban areas have led to a rapid increase in the number and size of formal shopping centres in township and rural areas.


The growth of these centres has been met with mixed reactions. Some feel that these centres undermine the survival and growth of local small enterprises while others argue that these centres bring a wider range of goods at a lower price closer to the local population. Furthermore, others state that these centres can play an important catalytic role in stimulating nodal development in these areas.


As a result, Urban LandMark has commissioned Demacon Market Studies to investigate the impact of these centres in township areas.


Abstract based directly on the original source


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Built environment

Human settlements





Rural areas

Shopping Centres

South Africa


Township Studies Group

Township economies


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