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Selecting indicators for the Smart City Pilot in Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM), Sultanate of Oman

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Shaima Al-Mahrooqi, Judy Backhouse

01 October 2020

ACM Press


Lucille Tetley-Brown

Conference paper



This paper presents a process for selecting the most appropriate standard indicators for the Smart City Pilot being implemented in Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM) in the Sultanate of Oman, by the Information Technology Authority (ITA) in cooperation with the Public Establishment for Industrial Estate (Madayn).


The indicators were selected by reviewing and analysing regional and international standards developed to measure smart city performance and progress. Seven indicator standards, with a total of 410 indicators were analysed. The selection of the indicators considered critical aspects of the pilot project. These included the strategic objective of implementing the pilot, the phase of the pilot development, the purpose of the assessment, the urban focus and the city sectors being addressed by the pilot. The results provide a suitable set of indicators from these standards, aligned with the assessment objectives and the smart city pilot project.


Abstract based directly on original source. Back to the SmartCity.ZA collection.




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Built environment


City planning




Knowledge management


Smart Cities


Technology and innovation


Urban indicators

Urban management

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