SACN Research Compendium
20 Years of Urban Research
01 January 2022
South African Cities Network
Research report
Over the last 20 years of its existence, the South African Cities Network (SACN) has produced over 350 research outputs and 800 learning events. Through its reference groups, the five programmatic areas at SACN drive a practitioner-centric research agenda, to ensure research is relevant and impactful. This Research Compendium aims to give a sense of the scale and content of research produced by SACN over the last 20 years. It is by no means a comprehensive repository for all publications but rather highlights a few particularly interesting and valuable research outputs produced each year. It is also not an academic document, but rather celebrates SACN’s research achievement in an accessible and playful way, using the visual analogy of a timeline. Key research publications are showcased alongside contextual events that took place in cities, to draw the parallels between our research and the real-life city environment.
Abstract based directly on original source.