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Routledge Handbook of Urban Food Governance

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20 October 2022

Ana Moragues-Faus, Anna Davies, Jane Battersby, Jill Clark


uKESA Librarian 2

Guide/ Handbook

Africa, North America

The Routledge Handbook of Urban Food Governance is the first collection to reflect on and compile the currently dispersed histories, concepts and practices involved in the increasingly popular field of urban food governance. It unpacks the power of urban food governance and its capacity to affect lives through the transformation of cities and the global food system. The Handbook is structured into five parts. The first part focuses on histories of urban food governance to trace the historical roots of current dynamics and provide an impetus for the critical lens on urban food governance threaded through the Handbook. The second part presents a broad overview of the different frames, theories and concepts that have informed urban food governance scholarship.


Drawing on the previous parts, part three engages with the practice of urban food governance by analysing plans, policies and programmes implemented in different contexts. Part four presents current knowledge on how urban food governance involves different agencies that operate across scales and sectors. The final part asks key figures in this field what the future holds for urban food governance in the midst of pressing societal and environmental challenges. Containing chapters written by emerging and established scholars, as well as practitioners, the Handbook provides a state of the art, global and diverse examination of the role of cities in delivering sustainable and secure food outcomes, as well as providing refreshed theoretical and practical tools to understand and transform urban food governance to enact more sustainable and just futures.


Abstract based on original source.


Website References

Built environment

Cities and towns

Food security

Food security


Human settlements


Land access


Policy commentaries

South Africa

United States of America


Urban areas

Urban development

Urban economics

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