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Draft White Paper for Human Settlements

Article image

Department of Human Settlements

30 November 2023

Department of Human Settlements


uKESA Librarian 2

Legislation / Regulations


The Department of Human Settlements published a preliminary White Paper and invited public comment late in 2023.

The closing date for the submission of comments was initially extended to 28 February 2024 and was then extended to 15 March 2024.

The aim of the draft White Paper was to address numerous issues that make existing human settlement programmes unsustainable. Among these issues, the preliminary White Paper highlighted the necessity for changes in the law.

The call for comments stated that there was a proposal to replace the Housing Act of 1997 with a new law called the Human Settlements Act. The reason for this change was that "adequate housing" is not just about fair access to land; it also involves municipalities planning for entire human settlements. This responsibility includes regulating building standards and ensuring housing-related health and safety.

In this context, the preliminary White Paper included emphasis on these topics:

  • Sustainable options for housing subsidies
  • Improving informal settlements
  • Affordable rental housing
  • Different funding models
  • Governance

Abstract based on source.


Website References

Affordable housing

Building maintenance

Built environment

Capacity building




Government programmes

Government subsidies


Human settlements

Informal settlements

Land access


Legislation and standards




Poverty & inequality

Rental housing

Safety & security

South Africa


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    Urban LandMark Librarian

    21 December 2023

    Comments due by 31 January 2024