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Policy Brief: Affordable Public Rental Housing

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Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI)

01 July 2020



uKESA Librarian 2

Policy brief


This policy brief emphasises the need for a public rental housing programme to address the shortage of affordable rental accommodation in South Africa's urban centres (PDF, 928 KB). It highlights that current rental options in both the social and private sectors do not yet meet the needs of poorer urban households. The brief focuses on four key aspects of the proposed programme:

  1. Up-front Capital Costs: Initial funding required to develop rental housing.
  2. Ongoing Operating Expenditure: Costs associated with maintaining and managing the housing.
  3. Availability of Building Stock: Ensuring there are enough buildings suitable for conversion or new construction.
  4. Management Model: Developing an effective system for managing the rental properties.

The programme aims to provide a structured approach to creating affordable rental housing, ensuring that it is both sustainable and accessible to those in need.

Abstract based on original source.


Website References

Adequacy of shelter

Built environment



Housing demand

Housing policy

Housing rights

Housing shortages

Housing supply

Human settlements




Poverty & inequality

Rental housing

Rental market

Rental tenure

South Africa


Urban areas

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