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Planning 4 Informality Webtool

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Isandla Institute, Open Data Durban

09 February 2022


Isandla Institute Librarian

Tool/ Toolkit

Isandla Institute


The Planning for Informality web tool was developed by Isandla Institute in partnership with Open Data Durban and originally launched in August 2017 with updates made in 2022.


Municipalities, mandated by the SA National Department of Human Settlements, have committed to upgrading 750 000 informal settlement dwellings by 2019. Comprehensive informal upgrading strategies and plans are important elements in achieving this goal. The web tool tracks how the major metros are progressing towards this, based on reporting and policy commitments in core annual municipal documentation. The core municipal documents include the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) reviews, Built Environment Performance Plan (BEPP), Service Delivery Budget and Implementation Plan (SDBIP), and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).


The Planning for Informality web tool determines the progress of South Africa’s response to informal settlements. A better understanding of informality in South African cities will allow for better decision-making and analysis. The web tool also opens up data about municipal upgrading plans and strategies and makes it accessible to a wider audience for transparency and accountability purposes.


Abstract based on source.


Website References

Built environment


Human settlements

Informal settlements

Integrated Development Plan


Metropolitan municipalities



Poverty & inequality


South Africa


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