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Perspectives on Advancing an Inclusive and Sustainable Green Economy in South Africa

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Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)

15 January 2021


uKESA Librarian 3



The Green Economy Transformation in cooperation with PAGE – Synergies between Low-Carbon Pathways and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (in short, the GET Programme 2018–2021) is a Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and UNEP implemented programme. It aims to improve knowledge and capacity related to green economy approaches and instruments at the international level and in selected partner countries, including South Africa.


The GET programme activities for South Africa are inclusive of both technical and financial support, to advance a low-carbon, inclusive green economy. This support is funded through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). In 2018, GIZ provided support to the SA Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment in planning and preparing for the 2019 PAGE Ministerial Conference.


This included consultative stakeholder roundtables and the development of four thematic concept notes, which provided context and a South African perspective to guide the thematic sessions of the Conference. In addition to the preparatory aspects for the Conference, the GET Programme supported the DFFE in commissioning this report, which is largely based on the four thematic concept notes from the 2019 Conference, with subsequent additions to align it more closely with the current context.


Abstract based on source.


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