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Out-of-the-box 2018

Conference proceedings

The primary goal of the 2018 Out-of-the Box Conference was to underscore the importance of technology and innovation in achieving sustainable human settlements. The conference provided a platform for greater interaction amongst key stakeholders championing innovation and technology, particularly in the research community. It also provided space to engage and reflect on enablers and barriers for innovation uptake in the human settlements sector. It generated views and opinions informing the sector transition process towards smart communities and green settlements.


The 2018 Out-of-the-Box Conference was conceived as a platform for academic thought leaders to make a first contribution to the conversation from the academic community’s perspective. These proceedings, flowing from a constructive two-day conference and parallel engagements, cover a broad range of themes and communicate some very important key lessons to be taken forward in the Roadmap.

Abstract based directly on the original source.


Website References

Appropriate technology

Built environment


Green buildings


Human settlements


Smart Cities

Smart cities

South Africa


Urban and Regional Dynamics

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