Opportunity Assessment to Strengthen Collective Land Tenure Rights in FCPF Countries

15 October 2021
Research report
Africa, Asia, Australia, North America, South America
This report identifies emerging opportunities for strengthening the land and forest tenure rights of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and Afro-descendant peoples (hereafter IPLCs) in Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund (CF) countries.
It aims to inform governments of CF countries, IPLCs, civil society, and land and forest rights practitioners on opportunities and pathways for strengthening communal and collective land and forest tenure. Furthermore, the study provides important findings and lessons for the FCPF and the Enhancing Access to Benefits while Lowering Emissions (EnABLE) fund on opportunities to further promote social inclusion in results-based climate finance.
Using a World Bank analytical framework to organise data collection, conceptualise the links between key elements of tenure security, and formulate opportunities for advancing tenure rights, the study presents an Opportunity Assessment methodology to collate and analyse both quantitative and qualitative data from a diverse and innovative range of sources, resulting in comprehensive individual country profiles as well as a synthesised report that presents common threads and overarching opportunities to advance collective land and forest tenure of IPLCs. The study was managed and financed by the Climate Funds Management Unit and conducted by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) and Global Land Alliance (GLA).
The report summary can be found here.
Abstract based on source.