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Municipalities receive R4 million grant from COGTA

Zikalala said the R4 million will be used in 12 areas within the municipalities of Umzumbe and Umuziwabantu

Article image

Ntandoyenkosi Dlamini

10 October 2022

South Coast Herald


Phefumlela Bam

Media article

Towns Action Network


This media article describes how the Umzumbe Municipality and Umuziwabantu Municipality residents' water issues will hopefully soon be a thing of the past as KwaZulu Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) has pledged R4 million to be used in 12 areas within the municipalities. These comments were made by the KZN COGTA MEC at the launch of the Siphofu Electrification project in Umzumbe Municipality. This project was part of provincial government efforts to expand access to water and electricity in the hinterlands of the Ugu District.


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Economic development


Human settlements



Rural areas

Small Towns

South Africa

Water and sanitation

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