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Making Housing Markets Work in African Cities

The role and opportunity of finance

Article image

Centre for Affordable Housing Finance Africa

01 June 2023

African Union for Housing Finance, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, The Urban Real Estate Research Unit


uKESA Librarian 2

Learning material

Africa, Europe

This MOOC is a comprehensive online course that focuses on the crucial topic of housing finance in Africa. It emphasises the significance of addressing the issue of inadequate and unaffordable housing through actionable measures. The course delves into the impact of housing finance on the types of housing we develop, the methodologies employed in construction, and the role of housing in supporting our lives and livelihoods. Numerous households in Africa lack a suitable dwelling, making it challenging for them to find both comfort and opportunities for work. Fortunately, there exist innovative approaches that can positively transform the housing landscape on the continent.


By enrolling in this course, participants will explore key inquiries related to affordable housing in African cities. They will gain insights into the economic implications of housing, assess housing demand and affordability, understand housing supply networks, examine the financing processes involved in constructing, maintaining, and transacting housing in African settlements, and explore innovative financial instruments. Additionally, the course will discuss ways to expand these instruments to serve a broader market segment.


This course caters to various professionals in the housing sector, including developers, lenders, small-scale organizations, micro-builders, bankers, and all practitioners in Africa who are eager to enhance their understanding of affordable housing finance. It aims to foster better housing outcomes, contributes to the development of future cities, and ultimately drive prosperity in Africa. The course content features contributions from expert practitioners and academics at the forefront of novel and progressive housing finance approaches on the continent. Through interactive and engaging materials, including case studies and discussion forums, participants will gain valuable insights from diverse African cities.


Abstract based directly on source.


Website References

Affordable housing


Built environment






Housing demand




South Africa


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