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Innovation for basic service delivery: Key lessons for the demonstration of technologies in rural settlements

Article image

Tim Hart, Irma Booyens, Bhekiwe Fakudze, Peter Jacobs

01 January 2018



Ephraim Phalafala

Policy brief

Department of Science, Technology and Innovation


South Africa recognises the potential of Science, Technology and Innovation to address developmental challenges. Policy brief reflects on lessons learnt in relation to the process of demonstrating technologies for improved basic services in rural settlements. It then makes suggestions for policy development with respect to the future demonstration of service delivery innovations. This policy brief is informed by research undertaken by the Economic and Performance Development unit of Human Science Research Council for the Department of Science and Technology on the work of the Innovation Partnership for Rural Development Programme. The recommendations presented centre on the more strategic selection of demonstration sites, the prioritisation of community needs and environmental feasibility assessments, the alignment of technology demonstrations with local strategic plans, and the establishment of monitoring and evaluation frameworks prior to the demonstration of selected technologies.


Website References

Basic services

Built environment


Human settlements

Innovative Technologies

Innovative building technologies

Municipal Innovation Collection


Poverty & inequality



South Africa



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