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Index of uKESA Webinars

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27 September 2023



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The Urban Knowledge Exchange Southern Africa (uKESA) has introduced a webinar series with the aim of spotlighting knowledge platforms and initiatives rooted in evidence. During these webinars, panel members and participants engaged in discussions centred around the roles these platforms serve in furthering their organizations' goals, and their effects, and gaining insight into the management and long-term sustainability of these initiatives. These webinars include presentations by industry experts.


Each of the webinars is summarised below (click to go to summary):

uKESA Webinar - The role of knowledge and data platforms in monitoring and predicting change

22 June 2023


In this first webinar, we were excited to host three speakers on a panel discussing their platforms and what they have been designed to achieve. All three track, monitor or predict urban and societal change in different ways and at various geographic scales.


uKESA Webinar - Using spatial data tools to plan for urbanisation, climate-change and shifting economic conditions

14 September 2023


In this second webinar, two multi-partner platforms that process large datasets and provide tools to support decision-making in complex, dynamic urban and regional environments were explored and discussed


uKESA Webinar - Online tools for social accountability in informal settlements

16 November 2023


In this third webinar two online tools, Asivikelane and Planning for Informality were featured. These tools support social accountability in addressing key issues faced by informal settlement communities.




uKESA Webinar – Advocacy platforms that promote better access to land and land information

In this fourth webinar the focus was on international, multi-dimensional land knowledge and information platforms, and the partnerships crucial to their success. Representatives from Land Portal, knowledgebase.land, and the International Land Coalition guided the audience through their platforms and tools, discussing their approaches to land rights advocacy.





Website References

Built environment


Climate Change/Resilience


Data analysis

Data quality


Economic conditions

Economic development


Environmental management



Green Book

Human settlements




Metropolitan municipalities

Monitoring and evaluation

Natural environment


South Africa

Spatial analysis




Urban and Regional Dynamics

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