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Including Women?

(Dis)junctures Between Voice, Policy and Implementation in Integrated Development Planning

Article image

Alison Todes, Pearl Sithole , Amanda Williamson

05 February 2010

Human Sciences Research Council


stepSA Librarian

Conference paper

Spatial Temporal Evidence for Planning South Africa (stepSA)


Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) are municipal strategic plans designed to bring about developmental local government. They have been criticised for providing insufficient space for democratic participation.

This paper explores the extent to which a marginalised group—women—has been incorporated into the IDP process, in response to three questions. First, how have IDP participatory processes incorporated women’s voice, and are the new participatory spaces realising their transformative potential? Secondly, how have women’s interests and a gender perspective been mainstreamed in the IDP, and has it promoted transformation? And finally, at the interface between officials and women themselves, how are IDP projects implemented and does agency promote or impede the goals of gender equality?

A study of three KwaZulu-Natal municipalities reveals some achievements, but unequal gender relations have not been transformed.

Abstract based directly on source.


Website References

Built environment



Human settlements

Integrated Development Plan


Planning and management


Poverty & inequality

Public participation

South Africa


Urban and Regional Dynamics


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