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Housing demand in urban India

Through the (kitchen) roof

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Xinyu Weng, Nadeem Karmali

02 August 2022

World Bank Blogs


uKESA Librarian 2



Data-driven housing studies in the developed world have shown that regulations and geography have played a part in reducing the supply of housing in many cities. As a result, new housing construction has been muted by these factors, despite house price appreciation. In turn, some policymakers are exploring adjustments to housing density regulations to increase housing supply.

In contrast, for developing country housing markets, there are far fewer such housing studies and there is a dearth of systematic housing data. This blog delves into a recent study on India which fills this gap by presenting new detailed housing data across urban India to address two policy-relevant questions: 

  • Understanding which housing amenities are most valued by urban households, and 
  • Estimating how urban households adjust their housing choices when either their income or house prices change (the income and price elasticities of housing demand).

Find the blog here.

Abstract based on original resource.


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Affordable housing

Built environment



Housing demand

Housing finance

Housing management

Housing quality

Human settlements




Poverty & inequality


Water and sanitation

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