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House modifications for preventing malaria

Revision 4

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Tilly Fox, Joanna Furnival-Adams, Marty Chaplin, Mark Napier, Evelyn A Olanga

06 October 2022

Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group


Mark Napier

Journal article

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research


House modifications, such as screening (covering or closing potential house entry points for mosquitoes with mesh or other materials) or the use of specific house materials or designs, such as metals roofs instead of thatched roofs, or elevated rooms, may contribute to reducing the burden of malaria. They work by preventing mosquitoes from entering houses, and reducing the number of bites householders receive indoors. Some house modifications under consideration additionally aim to kill any mosquitoes that attempt to enter houses by incorporating insecticide into the modification.

This is a comprehemsively updated systematic review of evidence about the effects of house modifications on malaria disease and transmission. The review builds on the earlier version here.

You can also read the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine news story about this work - Cochrane Review demonstrates simple house modifications may be an important tool, as part of vector control, to reduce malaria burden.

Abstract based directly on source.


Built environment



Health surveys

Human settlements



Poverty and inequality

Rural areas

South Africa


Water and sanitation

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