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Green Book Municipal Risk Profile Tool

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Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

01 March 2019



Willemien van Niekerk


Council for Scientific and Industrial Research


The Green Book is an online planning support tool that supports climate resilient development at local authority level. It contains a range of tools and resources that demonstrate the likely impacts that climate change and urbanisation will have on South Africa’s cities and towns.

One of the key resources available on the Green Book platform is the Green Book Risk Profile Tool. It is a dynamic interactive online planning support tool that was developed to support the adaptation process by providing scientific evidence for each local municipality in South Africa on the likely risks it will face under a changing climate. The risk profiles were developed to showcase distilled information for decision-makers through the use of an interactive dashboard.

The profiles for each municipality cover the socio-economic vulnerability of settlements and neighbourhoods, and their expected development trajectories under medium or high population growth scenarios. The profiles also cover the changes anticipated in the climate for both a high and low mitigation scenario, and the impacts of these changes on the intensity and magnitude of a series of hydro-meteorological hazards. The municipal risk profiles combine the scientific information from the story maps per municipality and precede the adaptation actions tool by providing risk factors that can be used to prioritise adaptation actions.

This is one of four interactive tools and resources available on the Green Book platform.

Abstract based on source. See the Green Book index page here.

Built environment

Climate Change/Resilience

Climate change



Environmental management



Green Book


Human settlements





Natural environment

Poverty and inequality

Solid waste

South Africa


Water and sanitation

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