Global framework for the response to malaria in urban areas
01 January 2022
UN-Habitat, World Health Organisation
Research report
Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America
By 2050, nearly 7 out of 10 people will live in cities and other urban settings. While urbanisation is expected to reduce malaria transmission, unplanned urbanisation will likely result in a malaria disease burden that is disproportionately high among the urban poor.
Cities are uniquely positioned to understand local needs and respond rapidly to changing conditions to safeguard health. These changes require strong city leadership to implement multisectoral, health-relevant policies and public services that engage communities. The response to malaria must be an integral part of such policies and processes.
This framework supports the control and elimination of malaria in urban environments. It guides city leaders, health programmes, and urban planners as they respond to the challenges of rapid urbanisation in a targeted way. For each urban context, the strategic use of data can inform effective, tailored responses and help build resilience against the threat of malaria and other vector-borne diseases.
Abstract based directly on source.