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Gender equality across the board

Smart implementation for the long haul

Article image

OECD Publishing

01 January 2017

OECD Publishing


Lucille Tetley-Brown

Book chapter


North America

Mexico's commitment to gender equality can be fully implemented only if it is underpinned by sound governance structures and mechanisms. Mexico has made headway in developing an institutional framework for achieving gender equality. It consists of a national system for equality between men and women, a national policy, and oversight mechanisms to hold the government accountable for achieving results. Yet, Mexico's growing efforts to achieve gender equality still deliver only limited results.


Inequalities persist between women and men across society, especially at sub-national levels. The gender gap points to some weak or broken links in the gender equality delivery chain. This chapter assesses the overall institutional framework - institutions' mandates, the allocation of resources, institutional capacity, and accountability mechanisms - for furthering gender equality in Mexico.


This chapter is from 'Building an Inclusive Mexico: Policies and Good Governance for Gender Equality'.


Abstract based directly on original source. Back to the SmartCity.ZA collection.


Website References


Development policy



Good governance


Government programmes


Local government



Poverty and inequality

Smart Cities

Social facilities

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