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Fostering digital innovations to accelerate service delivery in South African Local Government

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Elvin Shava, Shikha-Vyas Doorgapersad

16 March 2022

International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science


uKESA Librarian 2

Journal article


Service delivery protests in the recent past demonstrate the dire state of local government in South Africa. The absence of public sector innovation can be linked to service delivery backlogs hence embracing digital innovations (Internet of Things (IoT), Big data and analytics, cloud, Biometrics, computers, mobile applications, 3D machines) in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is strategic for enhancing municipal service provision and uplifting the living standards of citizens in communities. The study utilised an explorative qualitative case study design premised on an extensive literature and document review analysis to examine the barriers facing the City of Tshwane from adopting digital innovations in the 4IR. The analysis of documents revealed digital hesitancy, leadership void, lack of innovative research culture, weak municipal preparedness, and digital divide in adopting digital innovations are barriers to digital innovation adoption to enhance service delivery.

The paper observes further the lack of systematic and evaluative studies to inform public sector innovation, or growth in digital innovations often led to implementation challenges in the City of Tshwane. Conclusions drawn for the article revealed that adopting digital innovations can be the panacea to accelerating urban service delivery in the City of Tshwane; hence institutional readiness, improved revenue streams, including a stable regulatory and policy environment, are imperatives in achieving a digitalised local government in the 4IR.


Abstract based on original resource.


Website References

Built environment

Digital access


Human settlements


Industrial revolution

Innovative Technologies

Local government

Municipal Innovation Collection


Service delivery

South Africa



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