Estimators for infrastructure cost of health facilities

Infrastructure Unit Systems Support (IUSS) is a structured collaboration between the National Department of Health, the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and other stakeholders. IUSS aims to optimise the acquisition and management of South Africa's public healthcare infrastructure. To this end, IUSS provides numerous resources openly.
The Estimators for infrastructure cost of health facilities (listed below) provide infrastructure cost models for new and existing clinics, hospital, community day centres (CDC), and community health centres (CHC).
• Clinic, CDC and CHC Maintenance OoM* Estimator [xls]
• Hospital Maintenance OoM Estimator [xls]
• OoM Estimator for New clinic, CDC or CHC [xls]
• OoM Estimator for New MUSD* clinic, CDC or CHC [xls]
• OoM Estimator for Upgrade/Additions to Clinic CDC and CHC [xls]
• OoM Estimator for Upgrade/Additions to Hospitals [xls]
• OoM for New Hospitals [xls]
* OoM - Order of Magnitude
* MUSD - Maximum Usable Space Design