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Developing Small Firms in Township Tourism

Emerging Tour Operators in Gauteng, South Africa

Article image

Irene Nemasetoni, Christian M. Rogerson

01 April 2005


Township Studies Librarian Two

Journal article

Township Studies Group


The aim of this article is to present recent findings on the challenges that face a particular group of these emerging tourism small firms or small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa. More specifically, the focus of attention falls upon the segment of emerging black-owned tour operators within the context of the growth of the segment of 'township tourism'. Within the existing literature on tourism small firms the major focus so far has been upon the accommodation sub-sector. Indeed, there is remarkably little research on the tour operating sector, especially in the developing world.


Abstract based directly on the original source


Website References

Developing countries

Human settlements



Poverty & inequality


South Africa

Township Studies Group

Township economies


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