Data Agenda for Housing in Africa
01 January 2020
Centre for Affordable Housing Finance Africa
Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa
This project titled Data Agenda for Housing in Africa is centred around recognising market intelligence and data as essential components of the fundamental infrastructure for the housing finance sector. The key challenge identified is the insufficient availability of data and market intelligence, which hinders private sector involvement and effective policy engagement in affordable housing finance. The project aims to address this constraint by providing market intelligence that advocates for investments in underserved markets, thereby fostering a conducive policy environment and encouraging increased private sector activity in affordable housing markets. The overarching objective of the Data Agenda is to catalyse the provision and dissemination of data while supporting the formation of a community of housing and housing finance practitioners within countries. This community is envisioned to actively promote the significance of accurate data and engage with data to generate relevant insights. The ultimate vision is the establishment of a comprehensive housing and housing finance data universe in Africa, delivering accurate, relevant, and current data to regulators, policymakers, developers, and housing financiers to facilitate informed decision-making and catalyse large-scale interventions in the sector.
Abstract based directly on source.