CSIR Smart Places

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Smart Places aims to contribute to smarter places – smart buildings, cities and regions – underpinned by a sustainable environment – places that are smart about their water and energy use. The CSIR, with its rich multidisciplinary science, engineering, and technology base – in climate change, environmental sciences, energy, water, building science, spatial planning and cleaner production – is ideally positioned to contribute to smarter places, including smart buildings, cities and regions, manufacturing, water use, and energy use. Applying these skills to create truly smart places, contributes to improving the lives of South Africans.
The resource focus includes resource efficiency and cleaner production for sustainable industrialisation, and the optimisation of smart infrastructure enables smarter connected resources and infrastructure, revolutionising the way of doing business and delivering services. CSIR Smart Places also focuses on renewable energy – solar, wind – and thermal storage – and undertakessupply forecasting. Research and development in energy systems focus on the challenges of introducing more renewables into the energy mix and improving the management of electricity demand during re-industrialisation. CSIR Smart Places has strong knowledge sets on grid planning and energy demand. In terms of water, expertise extends to water and wastewater treatment Technologies, real-time water management systems, water resource monitoring, and water resource risk mitigation.
Abstract based directly on original source. Back to the SmartCity.ZA collection.