CSIR Smart Mobility

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), through its Smart Mobility cluster, seeks to improve the efficiency, safety, cost, and reliability of transport networks to minimise the cost of doing business and to improve quality of life. This is done through modelling, experimental designs, development of digitalisation solutions, and laboratory tests. The cluster also works with other role players to contribute towards increased local content in the tools and infrastructure used along the transport value chain, such as road building materials, rail and port infrastructure, and vehicles. CSIR Smart Mobility solutions can add value to South Africa’s transport system, which is ordinarily characterised by structural backlogs that include excessively high transport costs, and backlogs in infrastructure provision and maintenance. The digitalisation of the transport system can improve the life-cycle management of assets such as public transport vehicles, ports, railways and roadways. This is especially effective when supplemented with improved measurement of decision drivers for households, passengers, various state actors, shippers, and investors.
Abstract based directly on original source. Back to the SmartCity.ZA collection.