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CivicTech Transparency, Engagement and Collaboration for Better Governance

Article image

World Bank

01 January 2022

World Bank


Lucille Tetley-Brown

Research report



As economies and societies become increasingly digital, governments around the World are prioritizing the use of digital technologies and data to increase the participation and engagement of civil society in public matters. At the same time, citizens’ rising expectations and demands require public sectors to strengthen civil society engagement. Digital technologies and data have the potential to increase substantially the tools that governments have available to further involve citizens in policy and service design and delivery. This how-to-note provides advice on how to use digitalization to strengthen the engagement between governments and citizens, with various examples of what CivicTech is and why it is an important element of the GovTech approach.


Abstract based directly on original source. Back to the SmartCity.ZA collection.


Website References

Built environment

Civil society organisations

Digital access



Good governance

Government programmes


Public participation

Public sector

Service delivery

Smart Cities

Stakeholder engagement

Technology and innovation

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