City Of Johannesburg Housing Research Publication 2022
Issue 1

01 April 2022
Londeka Thanjekwayo, Thabo Molaba
Research report
City of Johannesburg Department of Housing
This is an inaugural research publication of the Department of Housing of the City of Joburg Metro.
From time to time, the Department produces research that could be of value to built environment professionals, activists, officials and academics. At times the Department is also approached by students conducting research on a variety of fields in the built environment. From now onward, the Department will select and share such research materials with built environment actors and stakeholders through this publication.
This particular publication presents an Analysis Study of the City of Johannesburg Housing Department. The study looks at the formation and performance of the City’s Department, key instruments driving delivery and does a value chain analysis. The second study, the Housing Occupancy Audit was done by members of the Directorate and sought to determine occupancy of people of the government fully-subsidised houses focusing on four regions. We hope that you will find the information in this publication informative and thought provoking.