City growth, population movement and climate change
Implications for the Integrated Urban Development Framework

26 May 2015
uKESA Librarian, stepSA Librarian
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Spatial Temporal Evidence for Planning South Africa (stepSA)
The NDP envisages a South Africa that by 2030 should experience meaningful and measurable progress in reviving rural areas and in creating more functionally integrated, balanced and vibrant urban settlements. South Africa’s future will be closely intertwined with the future of those cities and towns.
This presentation puts this in focus along with:
- Major regional dynamics, and pressures as well as highly mobile new types of households.
- Changing shapes, faces, pressures and capabilities of the cities and towns.
- Issues that are place specific, but beyond scope and impact of local government.
- They have to be addressed as a collective concern - which requires substantial leadership and direction from the IUDF.
Abstract based directly on the original source.