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Assessment of Building Maintenance in IRDP

Article image

Housing Development Agency

01 December 2017


Karishma Busgeeth

Research report

Housing Development Agency


This report presents the methodology used for the stakeholder engagement session conducted during four Integrated Residential Development Programme (IRDP) projects, namely Cosmo City, Pennyville, Fleurhof, and Lufhereng. The assessments and findings of these projects are also presented in the report. The projects were assessed in terms of maintenance and its impact on affordadable housing. The selected projects, a mix of housing typologies, are located in the City of Johannesburg. Each project has its own unique attributes that contribute to understanding maintenance within the sector.

This report was prepared with Urbanstart Consulting.


Website References


Affordable housing

Affordable housing market

Building maintenance

Built environment

Case studies

Community participation



Housing finance

Housing markets

Housing needs

Housing quality

Housing stock

Housing supply

Housing types

Human settlements


Social housing

South Africa

Stakeholder engagement


Urban management

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