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Algae-based wastewater treatment

An alternative, cost-effective technology for rural environments

Article image

Karen Nortje, Paul Oberholster

01 January 2016

Water Research Commission


Ephraim Phalafala

Policy brief

Department of Science, Technology and Innovation


This policy brief presents a project that facilitates the effective and efficient removal of nutrients and pathogens in wastewater treatment works. These contaminants pose a risk to the health of downstream rural communities and water users, to development opportunities, and to the biological integrity of water resources. The Water Research Commission project with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Department of Science and Technology, was carried out with the aim of piloting a self-sustaining system that was independent of electricity or expensive chemicals and that could be effectively operated in spite of financial and capacity constraints.


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Environmental management


Innovative Technologies



South Africa


Waste water

Waste water treatment

Water and sanitation

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