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A South African Smart Cities Framework

A decision-making framework to guide the development of smart cities in South Africa

A South African Smart Cities Framework (SCF) was developed by the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) and the CSIR to provide municipalities, national and provincial government, the private sector, civil society and other role players with impartial, factual information about smart cities in South Africa. The SCF supports DCoG in its efforts to guide and coordinate smart city initiatives planned and implemented throughout the country.

The purpose of the SCF is to guide decision-making and provide all role players with a structured approach to identifying, planning and implementing smart city initiatives that are appropriate to the local context.

Because smart cities must be informed by, and respond to, local conditions, the SCF does not contain instructions or specifications. For the same reason, the framework does not prescribe minimum standards or requirements for smart cities, initiatives or technologies. The framework rather guides and informs decision-making to ensure smart city initiatives are appropriate to the particular context. 

The objectives of the SCF include the following:

  • To share local and international learning to provide all role players with factual information on the benefits and advantages, as well as the challenges and disadvantages, that need to be taken into account when planning and implementing smart city initiatives.
  • To highlight the South African realities that need to be considered when planning and implementing smart city initiatives to ensure that such initiatives are appropriate to the local context.
  • To assist in developing a common understanding of the concept of a smart city and propose a South African interpretation of various aspects related to smart city initiatives.
  • To outline a set of principles to provide guidance when decisions have to be made regarding the identification, planning and implementation of smart initiatives and technologies.
  • To outline the factors to consider, and the steps to be taken, when identifying, planning and implementing smart city initiatives.


Abstract based on original source. Back to CSIR publications on smart cities information page.


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Built environment

Climate Change/Resilience

Human settlements


Inclusive cities

Poverty & inequality

Smart Cities

Smart cities

Social facilities

Solid waste

South Africa




Water and sanitation

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