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A Just Urban Transition for and with Informal Settlements: The art of deliberative engagement

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Isandla Institute

19 February 2024

Isandla Institute


Isandla Institute Librarian

Tool/ Toolkit

Isandla Institute


If you are a municipal practitioner wishing to engage with informal settlement communities about upgrading decisions to drive a just urban transition , then this tool is for you (PDF, 1.59 MB). Geared towards climate resilience and addressing vulnerabilities and social exclusion experienced by informal settlement residents, a just urban transition involves novel approaches to informal settlement upgrading and challenges municipalities (and other potential partners) to work differently with informal settlement communities. Informed by informal settlement communities, this tool provides ideas and considerations on how you can approach complex decision-making deliberatively, with communities.


The project was funded by the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).


Website References

Alternative technology

Climate Change/Resilience

Climate change


Human settlements



Poverty & inequality

Social justice

South Africa

Spatial justice


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