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A comparative analysis of stakeholder roles in the spatial data infrastructures of South Africa, Namibia and Ghana

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Kisco Sinvula, Serena Coetzee, Wiafe OwusuBanahene, Antony Cooper, Emma Nangolo, Victoria Rautenbach, Martin Hipondoka

01 January 2017

European Union


uKESA Librarian, Antony Cooper

Journal article

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research


Spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) at various levels (global, regional national, local and corporate) are being developed by and in countries around the world. We assess here the SDI developments in three African countries, Ghana, Namibia and South Africa, using the SDI models developed by the Commission on Geoinformation Infrastructures and Standards of the International Cartographic Association (ICA), focusing on the stakeholders and their roles: the Policy Maker, Producer, Provider, Broker, Value-Added Reseller (VAR) and End User. SDI development in all three countries has involved a variety of stakeholders and has taken a long time, waxing and waning depending on the availability of funding and the commitment of the stakeholders, particularly the Policy Makers. This research on the similarities and differences of the SDI stakeholders in Ghana, Namibia and South Africa improves the understanding of SDI development and we hope that the results can help other countries with their own SDI developments. Based on our work, we make recommendations for refining the ICA’s stakeholder typology

Built environment



Human settlements

Human settlements



South Africa

Spatial analysis

Spatial development

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