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World Green Building Week - GBConnect

Main Organiser

Green Building Council South Africa

10 September 2024

15:00 - 17:00

GBCSA Office, Ground Floor, Birkdale House 1, River Park, Gloucester Road, Mowbray Cape Town


Website Link

In celebration of World Green Building Week, we invite you to join us for a casual get-together at our GBCSA offices in Cape Town.

GBCSA CEO Lisa Reynolds will share some key thoughts around this year’s #WGBW24 theme of #BuildingTheTransition and focus on the three pillars of reduce, decarbonise and adapt. Join GBCSA to learn more about the “how” of building the transition, and come connect, discuss, and indulge in some afternoon treats and conversations. 

Event description based directly on the source.

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