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uKESA Webinar - The Role of Knowledge and Data Platforms in Monitoring and Predicting Change

Main Organiser


22 June 2023

15:00 - 16:30


Website Link

The Urban Knowledge Exchange has initiated a series of webinars to showcase evidence-based knowledge platforms and initiatives. In this first webinar, we were excited to host three speakers on a panel discussing their platforms and what they have been designed to achieve. All three track, monitor or predict urban and societal change in different ways and at various geographic scales.

Access the event recording here. 

The panel comprised:

The discussion amongst the panel members and the webinar participants focused on what role these platforms play in advancing the objectives of their organisations, what impacts they are having, and understanding more about how these initiatives are run and sustained over time.

Speaker bios

Alize le Roux is a senior Geo-Informatics researcher at the Institute for Security Studies with extensive experience in providing planning and decision support solutions to local, regional, and national decision-makers in the fields of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, regional socio-economic and environmental analysis, planning support systems, spatial data management and risk and vulnerability analysis. She holds a Master’s in geographical sciences from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands.

Zanoxolo Futwa is a Development Planning Specialist with over 24 years of experience in senior and executive management roles. He is also a Registered Town & Regional Planner with SACPLAN. Zanoxolo has extensive experience in IGR matters and processes, having for example, participated in SA Delegation to UN Habitat 3, Parliamentary reporting, Senior Government processes on planning and land reform. He is currently the Provincial Executive Officer: South African Local Government Association (SALGA)and serves as a Member of FS Provincial Land Use Board. He has previously served Member of University of Free State (UFS) Council (2017 – 2021) and mentored Professional Town and Regional Planners.

Alison Tshangana is the Head of Research and Market Intelligence at the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF). She has ten years of experience in the public sector. Her areas of work are in human settlement policies and programmes, and inter-governmental finance and public expenditure analysis. Alison holds a Bachelor’s degree in political science (cum laude) and Religious Studies from Brown University and a Master's Degree in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.


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