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uKESA Webinar - Advocacy platforms that promote better access to land and to land information

Main Organiser


22 February 2024

15:00 - 17:00


Website Link

The Urban Knowledge Exchange hosts a series of webinars highlighting evidence-based knowledge platforms.

In the fourth webinar, under the title "Advocacy platforms that promote better access to land and to land information: How they work and what difference they make", the focus was on international, multi-dimensional land knowledge and information platforms, and the partnerships crucial to their success.

Representatives from Land Portal, knowledgebase.land, and the International Land Coalition were featured on February 22, 2024. They guided the audience through their platforms and tools, discussing their approaches to land rights advocacy.

Attendees had the opportunity to delve into how these networks and online platforms facilitate access to land-related data and information. The discussion aimed to contribute to achieving more secure tenure and improved access to land.

The whole event was recorded and can be accessed here

Here's an overview of the featured tools, the presenters and their presentations.

Land Portal

The Land Portal Foundation creates, curates, and disseminates open-access land information by fostering an inclusive and accessible data landscape. All of their efforts are in support of the mission to INFORM people, OPEN critical data and information, and DEBATE perspectives on land. 

Romy Sato is the Knowledge Network Coordinator of the Land Portal. With a background in Communications and Environmental Governance, she coordinates the development of Land Portal’s country and thematic portfolios, as well the data management activities. She has over 20 years of experience initially as a research communication specialist and later as a project manager focused on rural development and land governance issues. Romy is originally from Brazil, but currently based in Germany.


knowledgebase.land is an online resource hub offering information and resources on land governance, serving researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in the field.

Dr Rick de Satgé is a Senior Research Associate with Phuhlisani NPC, a South African land sector NGO. He curates knowledgebase.land and works part time as a researcher for the Land Portal compiling country profiles, issue pages and data stories. He has 40 plus years of experience working on land issues in Southern Africa. 

International Land Coalition and LANDex

The International Land Coalition is a global alliance dedicated to advocating for secure land rights, especially for vulnerable and marginalized communities.

LANDex is a global land governance index that aims to put people at the centre of land data, democratising land monitoring and building a data ecosystem that better captures the complex experience of land governance from diverse perspectives.

Eva Maria is a Senior Programme Officer and Gender Justice Focal point for ILC-Africa. She has over 6 years’ experience in land governance, climate and environmental justice. In her current role, she leads the region's programmes portfolio and provides technical support to ILC Africa's national and regional member-led multi-stakeholder platforms.

Mariella Schlingloff is part of the global Data and Land Monitoring team at the International Land Coalition. She joined ILC at the beginning of 2020 and works closely on the technical side of ILC's data collection tool LANDex. Mariella has a bachelor's and a master's degree in politics, Administration and International Relations from Zeppelin University (Germany) and she specialises in land and citizen generated data and the SDGs.


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